Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Meant To Be?

On of my favorite quotes from OTH is:

"People who are meant to be, always find their way in the end."
Do you think thats true? Do you think if you are truely meant for someone that you will find them? With that being said, what do you feel about soul mates? Have you met yours? Do you know who your soul mate is? I do. Well i feel that i do. I feel I have already met him.
I had an interesting conversation with someone Saturday. It sparked a memory in my brain, well actually it sparked a bunch of old memories, but this one in particular is really weighing on my brain. Go back to that one day, the one day that if you could go back and change anything about it. What would it be? How would you change it? Do you think it would change everything about your future or just that moment in time?
For me...changing that one night would infact change probably everything about my future from that moment on. Had I drank so much that day I think my life could be completely from that day in May '08. I know I am the person that always says things happen for a reason, but this time i would really like to change that moment in my life. To those affected by that day, I am so sorry. There are only 2 people but still, I am so sorry....
P.S. If you read this, and by you I mean one person in particular, you know who you are, and if you feel the same way..."it's always been you."